You want to become a Web Designer but don’t know how to achieve your goal.Here we tell you what is necessary to learn to for achieving your goal.Following is the list of course you must have to do because it’s the backbone of the Designing.

Photoshop is used as creating a blue print for the website. After staring to make a website we make a layout which define how are site is going look. It’s is necessary to make a blue print because sometime makes changes on a live site can spoil our all previous changes.It’s also necessary for time management because time is set according to the functionality we used on site.More functionality more you take time to complete the Website.
Want to know about graphic: http://blog.cyberxel.in/10-signs-youre-a-professional-graphic-designer/

First is the Photoshop who make layout for the website after that html is next step to make into reality.HTML is like walls of house that makes the shape of our house.In html tags played important role because everything combine or separate with tags.Mostly tags are work in two sets.For e.g <html> is opening tag and </html> is a closing tag.but there is also singular tag like </br>.

HTML is like a plane wall that need to decorate for these purpose we used CSS( Cascading style sheet ).CSS full for tell its works properly. it is used to make different style for different blocks.With css we can make one block in left side of page and other one to right and much more we can do with CSS. CSS makes side more attractive.

With HTML, CSS we make a site good looking but we can’t make it interacting with user.For completing these purpose we used javascript.For e.g. if we seen a letter Hello write on screen and we provide a botton below change text.When we click on button the word Hello change into World.These is only one example of javascript, we can make our side more interacting with it. Javascript is language which is little bit hard to learn.

Javascript is a tough language to learn and it’s takes more time to understand it completely.So, there is a another language that works like javascript but it’s more user friendly language. In Jquery we have code lesser than javascript.

Bootstrap is a framework which provide default structure for making website.Bootstrap inbuilt rows structure makes it responsive.Also it’s less our for CSS. Bootstrap has it own css, javascript, and jquery files that works on the classes we used in html tags. We can add these files in offline or online format.We recommend to save offline because sometime the script link we give takes time to load.