GET & POST method is same but the main different is how they work. Basically GET method is use for search like google search engine and POST method is use in form submission. In GET method parameter passed in url ( http format), from url GET fetch the data. Another side POST method fetch the details from body section which is more secure than GET method.For the security reason we used the post method. Below we mention the details of both methods. So you understand properly.
GET Method:
Now we discuss about the GET method.Server takes the Get method secure & unchangeable value that’s reason it showed in URL. For example search engine using the method of GET. When we search something its changed the url and showed the value in URL.

In above image we clearly see that when i search cyberxel the url fetch the data and showed in url the value we serched.
GET methods that behavior makes it unsecured for username & password values.Password should be not saved on any form.GET method creates cache so anyone who has knowledge about it can access your data.Some points you should remember in GET Method. That are
- Parameters remain in browser history because they are part of the URL
- Can be bookmarked.
- GET method should not be used when sending passwords or other sensitive information.
- 1024 limit of character in size.
- Url example: page.php?category=sport
POST Method:
After knowing about GET method we discuss how server response to POST method. Server take it as changeable value that’s reason its not showing in URL. It’s fetch the data from body section. This is secure for hiding your details because it’s not cache the value. Some points you should remember in POST Method. That are
- Parameters are not saved in browser history.
- Can not be bookmarked.
- POST method used when sending passwords or other sensitive information.
- POST method has not character limit.
- Url example: page.php